Impa is located in Kakariko Village after completing the geoglyphs quest.
Where to Find Impa in Tears of the Kingdom?
Impa can be found in Kakariko Village.
How do you complete Impa and the Geoglyphs?
To complete Impa and the Geoglyphs, speak with Impa in the balloon and then paraglide down to the surface. Go towards the head of the geoglyph where you’ll find a Tear shaped puddle. Examine the puddle to trigger the ‘Where am I?’ memory and complete the quest.
Where is Impa in Forgotten Temple?
Impa can be found in the Forgotten Temple, specifically in a chamber beyond the large room with the monster camps. She is located near the Mayausiy Shrine.
How do you complete Impa and the Geoglyphs?
To complete Impa and the Geoglyphs, speak with Impa in the balloon. Paraglide down to the surface and head towards the head of the geoglyph. There, you will find a Tear. Examine the Tear to trigger the ‘Where am I?’ memory and complete the quest.
Where is Impa in Forgotten Temple?
Impa is located in the Forgotten Temple. After passing the large room with the monster camps, continue towards the chamber beyond. Impa can be found near the Mayausiy Shrine.
Where is Lady Impa in Forgotten Temple?
To find Lady Impa in the Forgotten Temple, head to the entrance of the temple and speak to Nanna on the right. She will direct you to Lady Impa, who is in the house below Lantern Falls at the far end.
Where is Impa in Forgotten Temple?
Impa is located in the Forgotten Temple. Upon entering, talk to Nanna on the right who will direct you to Impa. Impa can be found in the house below Lantern Falls at the far end of the temple.
Where is Impa at the second geoglyph?
To find Impa at the second geoglyph, head to New Serenne Stable. Impa’s attendant, Cado, can be found escorting her around Hyrule to investigate the Geoglyphs. Impa is standing on the stone pedestal in the middle of the field.
How do you get the true ending in Tears of the Kingdom?
To get the true ending in Tears of the Kingdom, you need to complete every main story quest, including the Impa and the Geoglyphs quest. This includes finding the Master Sword and viewing all the memories by finding the Geoglyphs.
Where is the Impas location?
Impa is located at Rito Village, across the Carok Bridge west of Lookout Landing, leading to the New Serenne Stable in Hyrule Ridge. Impa’s attendant, Cado, can be found there as well.
Where is Impa in Forgotten Temple?
Impa can be found in the Forgotten Temple. As you enter, speak to Nanna on the right, who will direct you to Lady Impa. Impa is located in the house below Lantern Falls at the far end of the temple.
Where is Lady Impa in Forgotten Temple?
Lady Impa can be found in the Forgotten Temple. Head to the entrance of the temple and speak to Nanna on the right. She will guide you to Lady Impa, who is in the house below Lantern Falls at the far end of the temple.
Where to find Impa in the Forgotten Temple?
Impa can be found in the Forgotten Temple. After entering the temple, speak to Nanna on the right. She will direct you to Lady Impa, who is located in the house below Lantern Falls at the far end of the temple.
Where is Impa in Tears of the Kingdom?
Impa is in Kakariko Village after the quest in Tears of the Kingdom.
How to find Lady Impa in Forgotten Temple?
To find Lady Impa in the Forgotten Temple, head to the entrance of the temple and speak with Nanna on the right. She will guide you to Lady Impa, who is located in the house below Lantern Falls at the far end of the temple.
Where is Impa in Forgotten Temple?
Impa can be found in the Forgotten Temple. After passing the large room with the monster camps, continue into the chamber beyond. Impa is located near the Mayausiy Shrine and she hints that the true secret of the temple must lie somewhere further beyond.
Do you have to do Impa and the Geoglyphs?
Impa and the Geoglyphs is an optional main quest in Tears of the Kingdom. While not necessary for completing the main story, it is an important quest that can be found early in your adventure.
Where is Impa in Tears of the Kingdom?
Impa is located in Kakariko Village in Tears of the Kingdom.
How do you unlock the Master Sword in TotK?
To unlock the Master Sword in Tears of the Kingdom, find the Light Dragon and mount it. The Master Sword can be found on the head of the Light Dragon. You will need two green stamina wheels in order to pull out the Master Sword.
Where is Impa in Tears of the Kingdom?
Impa is located in Kakariko Village in Tears of the Kingdom.
How many temples are in Tears of the Kingdom?
There are a total of five temples in Tears of the Kingdom.
How do I start Impa and the geoglyphs quest?
To start the Impa and the Geoglyphs quest, speak with Cado at the New Serenne Stable in Hyrule Ridge. He will direct you to find Impa who is investigating the Geoglyphs.
Where is the last geoglyph?
The last geoglyph is located in Goron City, between Death Mountain and the Great Hyrule Forest.
How do you get the true ending in Tears of the Kingdom?
To get the true ending in Tears of the Kingdom, you need to complete every main story quest, find the Master Sword, and view all the memories by finding the Geoglyphs. This will lead to the true secret of the kingdom.
Does Zelda become a dragon?
Yes, the true form of the Light Dragon is Princess Zelda. She swallowed her Secret Stone to become a powerful and immortal dragon, with the purpose of imbuing the damaged Master Sword with holy power so it could recover and become strengthened.
Do you have to complete all geoglyphs to progress in the main quest?
No, completing all the geoglyphs is not necessary to progress in the main quest. However, it is an important quest line that can be found early in your adventure.