The Untold Truth Of Steve Irwin's Son, Robert

Since the mid-2010s, Robert Irwin has been growing in popularity in the United States. He has appeared on numerous TV shows, including an episode of "Family Feud" (where, as Hit reports, presenter Steve Harvey had trouble understanding his accent) and "The Tonight Show" with Jimmy Fallon. In 2017 alone, Irwin made four appearances on Fallon's show, allowing the excited (and at times, scared) talk show host to cuddle baby bears, hold snakes, and feed a baby kangaroo named Hazel, as well as blow in her face as a way of saying hello.

In this "Tonight Show" episode, Fallon confesses that the previous episode featuring Irwin had amassed an amazing 54 million views, earning the audience's heartfelt applause. Indeed, America seems to appreciate Robert Irwin's passion for animals just as much as his Aussie fans. Fallon himself asked Irwin if he's been getting good feedback from his TV appearances, to which Irwin replied, "Absolutely, everyone's been so nice, so thank you very much, it's been a great experience." Of course, Irwin's regular appearances on "The Tonight Show" are not without regular comic relief (such as the moment Kevin Hart curses at a baby ostrich), which helps Irwin stand out as a young, passionate conservationist who also makes learning about animals fun.
