Snuffy was on ABC's "Good Morning America" in 2014 as part of the "Sesame Street Takeover" and met some of the crew when he was supposedly waiting for a ride on the streets of New York because he couldn't fit on the subway. So what can fit him? The Snuffleupa-bus.
On set, Snuffy declares that George Stephanopoulos is his hero the moment he lumbers onstage. Right away, he starts comparing Snuffleupagus to Stephanopoulos, enunciating each name very clearly, and wondering whether they could be related (you never know). Is there a family resemblance? Stephanopoulos' co-anchors agreed it was the lashes. In a subsequent tweet about the meetup, "Good Morning America" writes, "Mr. Snuffleupagus & Mr. Stephanopoulos (try saying that five times fast)."
ABC hasn't been the only news outlet to compare Snuffleupagus to his human-name doppelganger. NPR gave him a pop quiz on the furry creature that is almost, but not quite, his namesake. About halfway through the interview, Stephanopoulos is told that he has been invited to play a game called "Mr. Stephanopoulos, meet Mr. Snuffleupagus." The confusion between Snuffleupagus and Stephanopoulos is also riffed on in a 1994 episode of "Friends" where Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe order a pizza, and the delivery guy realizes he screwed up the order, bringing them the pizza that was supposed to be going to George Stephanopoulos. Rachel then asks Phoebe, "Who's George Snuffleupagus?"