The Real Meaning Behind 'Somebody Like That' By Tenille Arts

As the third single from Tenille Arts' second album, Love, Heartbreak, & Everything In Between, "Somebody Like That" details all the ways love can go wrong, but ultimately hinges on the promise of a love that lasts. As she sings, "The real thing won't be easy / Yeah, might take a while ... If I'm gonna love / I'm gonna love somebody like that." Arts penned the upbeat tune with Allison Veltz and Alex Kline, after experiencing a breakup that left her feeling more hopeful than sad. 

"I really didn't want to write any sad songs anymore ... [Veltz and Kline] were up for the challenge to write a hopeful love song about looking for love and not settling," the singer revealed in an interview with Songwriter Universe in February 2021.

This all-or-nothing love is inspired by the real-life love story of Arts' parents, who get a shoutout in the second verse. Despite the fact she grew up with a model of love, the singer is candid that it's "still hard" to give your heart away. Speaking to The Country Daily in December 2020, she added, "It's very hard to love without limits, because I think if you are hurt in the past by certain things, you immediately put up a wall ...for me in a new relationship, it always takes me a minute to be like, 'Why do I feel that way? Oh yeah, it's because this happened in the past.'" Here's to hoping Arts finds her "Somebody"!
