Randy Orton and Sheamus made WWE star feel comfortable backstage after he came out as gay

WWE is blessed with an incredibly stacked roster that boasts multiple locker room leaders such as Randy Orton and Sheamus. During a recent interview, Fred Rosser (fka Darren Young) opened up about how the WWE veterans made him feel comfortable backstage after he publicly came out as gay.

After joining WWE's developmental system in 2005, Fred Rosser went on to spend nearly 12 years with the company until his release in 2017. Rosser was famously part of the Nexus faction before forming a moderately successful tag team with Titus O'Neil, collectively known as The Prime Time Players.

Darren Young also had a brief singles run when Bob Backlund managed him in 2016. The superstar, however, had a defining moment outside the ring when he came out as gay in 2013 and became the first wrestler in history to come out while still being contracted to the promotion.

Rosser recalled that following the revelation about his sexuality, other talents openly accepted him in the locker room, and a few old-timers made the experience a lot smoother.

The NJPW star named Randy Orton, Sheamus, and Mark Henry, while talking about the stars who helped him and noted that he's still in regular contact with The Viper.

Here's what Fred Rosser revealed on The Ten Count:

"So from guys like Randy Orton, who I still communicate with to this day, Mark Henry, Sheamus, Titus O'Neil, a plethora of other superstars, they made it a lot easier for me to walk into a locker room."

"Every day is a coming out experience" - Former WWE star Fred Rosser

The former Darren Young has orchestrated a career resurgence since leaving WWE, as he's earned a lot of praise for his work in Japan.

While it's been ten years since the former WWE Tag Team Champion made the massive announcement about being gay, for him, every day was still a "coming out experience."

Fred Rosser often meets people in everyday life who are intrigued to know him due to his appealing physical presence. Rosser explained that when fans googled him, the 39-year-old star personally felt like he was coming out again, and it was something he comes across quite frequently.

He added:

"I always say every day is a coming out experience," Rosser said. "So whether I'm doing this interview, or whether I'm sitting at the airport with someone who looks at me and says, 'Oh, man, this is a big guy.' We can talk at the airport, I tell them who I am, and they immediately Google me, so that's why I always say every day is a coming out experience." (H/T WrestlingNews.co)

Did you check out what Fred Rosser had to say about his interactions with Vince McMahon? Read more on that story right here.

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