A term break can begin only on the first of a month after the end of the prior term. A term break can be requested for one to three months. Counsel for a one-month term break must be completed by the ninth of the first month of the break.Click to see full answer. Similarly, what happens if you don’t pass a class at WGU?If a student does not complete their course by the end of their incomplete period, the course will be marked Not Passed on their transcript for their original term. The student may then enroll in the course as part of their next term and the course will count toward the minimum required CU count for that term.Additionally, how long is a WGU term? six months Moreover, how do I withdraw from WGU? To have the withdrawal considered for rescission, students must contact Student Records at [email protected]wgu.edu to rescind their withdrawal by submitting a written statement of intent to remain academically enrolled through the end of their term. To be considered, students must have met all financial obligations.Does WGU have a GPA?The University does not calculate a grade point average (GPA). One competency unit is the equivalent of one semester credit of learning in traditional grading systems. Grades are transcribed upon completion of a course of study. An earned Pass or Not Passed is not replaced with a grade of Withdrawn.